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    Academics: Academics Plus

    • LeAP AHEaD!:   An 'Activity Based Learning' methodology of teaching and coaching upper-primary to high school students. LeAP stands for 'Learn everything for Achievement and Productivity' , and AHEaD stands for 'All Homework Easy and Done'. LeAP was jointly developed with visiting Stanford Nanbarhal in 2011. Centered around the text book, it prescribes a systematic methodology for developing vocabulary, listening, reading, reasoning, conversation and writing skills. AHEaD, on the other hand, is a practice to consolidate, recap and reinforce the learning by promoting successful partnership between school and home.

    • XSEED Programme :   AGN has introduced the new XSEED Educational Programme, which is a scientific experiential method of teaching and learning easier and better. Its objective is to raise the level of learning and build confidence in children by teaching through handson experimentation, followed by questioning, application and feedback. This 5-step education approach replaces the old one-step method of telling and memorization..

    • Smart Class:   From the academic year 2012-13, smart classes are being conducted so as to make students' participation in the teaching and learning activities more effective, enjoyable and fruitful.

    • Kaninisaar Kalvi:   Driven by the dual-pronged philosophy, 'Learn Computers; Learn by Computers!'; AGN provides a parallel focus on both learning computer technology as well as putting the computer technology use for learning other subjects. Well-equipped computer labs in the campus enable the students with ample opportunities. Several world-class on-line, selfpaced learning and practicing platforms are made available to the students including Khan Academy, Read Theory, phonic reading, etc. A student's progress is automatically tracked on-line and individualized coaching is provided to help each student to succeed to their personal best.

    • AGN English Reader:   In order to consistently improve English pronunciation and reading skills of all students, AGN uses a computer-based voice synthesizer to read out text book pages. In addition to model practice lessons at school, AGN students are provided with a DVD containing video lessons of their English Textbook for self-paced learning practice at home.
    Smart Class

    Xseed Class


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